The 2018 David Riley Players and Coaches Conference was held at the 2018 National Scholastic Championship on Friday, June 1 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m at the Hyatt Regency Reston, Regency Ballroom A.
- Sarah Angelo, former player, VCU, University of Virginia, and Maggie Walker; former HSNCT champion, former NSC tournament director
- Alex Damisch, current player, DePaul University; former player, Lawrence University; Director of Communications, PACE; Misconduct Reporting Advocate
- Michael Harvey, current coach, Community School at Naples, which entered the HSQBRank rankings this year in just their second year; former coach, Singapore American (16th at the 2016 PACE NSC)
- David Jones, current coach, Northmont High School, two-time Ohio NAQT state champion and former coach of the very talented Sam Blizzard
- Chloe Levine, current player, Hunter College High School, former HSNCT champion, current HSNCT runner-up
- Eric Mukherjee, former player, Brown University and University of Penn, 2015 ACF champion, four-time Chicago Open champion, former PACE NSC head editor
- Jakob Myers, current player, Michigan State University; former player, Naperville North High School; two-time NASAT champion; former HSQBRank Player of the Year
- Josh Rutsky, coach, Hoover High School, eight-time NAQT/ASCA state champion
Audio Recordings
In addition, a transcript of the conference can be found here.